Become a Distributor
UNAHCO is the leading animal nutrition and healthcare company in the Philppines today with over 50 years of solid experience helping millions of farmers and animal raisers achieve optimum farm performance through the use of advanced and innovative products that result to bigger profitability. Interested to bring UNAHCO products to your region? Ask us how.
UNAHCO is open to partnerships with foreign distributors who woud like to bring UNAHCO feed and veterinary products to their countries. To date, through the pioneering efforts of UNAHCO International, top UNAHCO brands such as Thunderbird Feeds, Sarimanok Poultry Feeds, Pigrolac Hog Feeds and an assortment of Univet veterinary medicines are now gaining popularity and loyal users in Cambodia, East Timor, Malaysia, Micronesia, Palau, Saipan, Vietnam and Hawaii.